If you appreciate the service 4MBS Classic FM and our other stations and activities provide and wish to see it continue, please consider leaving a bequest to 4MBS in your will. Your legacy will help to ensure that the beauty of fine music continues to be broadcast for the benefit of future generations.
The licence to operate 4MBS is held by the Music Broadcasting Society of Queensland Ltd (MBSQ Ltd), a community based not-for-profit organisation. MBSQ has charitable status and is on the national Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCA). Donations to the 4MBS Fine Music Fund are tax deductible. The station has grown significantly since first going to air in March 1979 and is now operated by over 300 volunteers and a small number of staff.
4MBS Classic FM broadcasts classical music and also operates the digital station MBS Light that broadcasts light classics, music from stage and screen and jazz. Additionally, 4MBS operates the nostalgia radio station Silver Memories for aged care homes across Australia. As well as these three 24 hour a day radio stations, we produce the annual 4MBS Festival of Classics and Brisbane Shakespeare Festival, Kids Classics, Village Music Hour Concerts for seniors and much more.
Support for local musicians includes the Musicians in Residence scheme, student music prizes, the Brisbane Shakespeare Festival and the award winning annual 4MBS Festival of Classics – the largest classical music festival in Australia. We also operate a low cost ticketing service for small to medium arts organisations. These services help create employment opportunities for Queensland performers.
Why does 4MBS Classic FM need my bequest?
4MBS receives no direct government financial support for the operation of the station. A major part of the income required to operate the station comes from the music lovers who appreciate the service we provide all day, every day. Without this support, the station would eventually cease to exist.
If I decide to leave a bequest to 4MBS, what form should it take?
All bequests are appreciated equally. There are several options for bequests:
1. Specific Gift
This specifies an amount of money or property or some other asset.
2. Percentage or Fractional Bequest
This specifies that a percentage or fraction of the total value of your estate be willed to 4MBS.
3. Residual Bequest
This wills to 4MBS the remainder of your estate after all expenses have been met and all other beneficiaries have received their inheritances.
4. Whole Estate
This wills the value of your entire estate to 4MBS.
What wording should I use in my will?
You should consult your solicitor or professional advisor. However, we recommend the following wording:
“I bequeath to the Music Broadcasting Society of Queensland Ltd (4MBS Classic FM), ABN 39 009 992 554 of 384 Old Cleveland Road, Coorparoo, Queensland 4151, for its general purposes (the whole) or (a specific amount or gift) or (a percentage) or (the residue) of my estate free of all duties for which a receipt from the Honorary Secretary or General Manager or other authorised person shall be a full discharge to my executor.”
May I nominate how my bequest is to be used?
Yes, you may, but it is preferred that you delegate this responsibility to the 4MBS Board of Directors, who are all dedicated volunteers and are aware of the station’s needs and priorities which can change with the passage of time.
How do I change my will to nominate 4MBS as a beneficiary?
An amendment, known as a codicil, can be made easily by your solicitor for a small fee.
Will my bequest be recognized if I so choose?
Unless you choose to remain anonymous, your bequest will be recognized on the 4MBS Honour Board located in the foyer of the station.
If I have other questions, whom do I contact?
Please contact Gary Thorpe, General Manager of 4MBS, during office hours on 3847 1717 for advice on a confidential basis.
Thank you for your interest in supporting 4MBS Classic FM with a bequest. We are pleased that you share our belief in the important role that our station plays in the community.